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The Thirty Years War

536 pages, 2005



999 books

In the late seventeenth century, Europe was divided between Protestants and Catholics, as well as empires and kingdoms. After Protestants threw three representatives of the Holy Roman Empire out of a castle window in Prague, war spread across Europe with similar fury. It destroyed European powers from Spain to Sweden as they marched on Germany. Fanatics, speculators, and ordinary people found themselves trapped in a nightmarish world of famine, disease, and seemingly unstoppable destruction. The Thirty Years War was a turning point in the making of modern Europe: out of it came the system of nation-states that remains fundamental to international law today. C. V. Wedgwood's magisterial book is the only comprehensive account of this pivotal conflict in English; it is also a triumph of scholarship and literature.

Understanding the Complexity of War

In The Thirty Years War, C. V. Wedgwood paints a vivid picture of the war's complexity. It wasn't just a simple conflict between two sides, but a tangled web of political, religious, and personal motivations. This book encourages us to look beyond the surface when studying history, and to explore the intricate details that often get overlooked.

The Impact of Religion on Politics

Wedgwood's book shows us how religion can deeply influence politics. The Thirty Years War was largely fueled by religious tensions, and this had a profound impact on the political landscape of Europe. It's a great reminder to consider the role of religion when researching historical or current political events.

The Human Cost of War

One of the most striking aspects of The Thirty Years War is the human cost. Wedgwood doesn't shy away from describing the suffering and devastation caused by the war. This book will make you see the real consequences of conflict, and might even inspire you to work towards peace in your own way.

The Power of Detailed Research

C. V. Wedgwood's meticulous research is evident in every page of The Thirty Years War. He digs deep into the details, providing a comprehensive view of the war. This book is a testament to the power of thorough research, and it might inspire you to take a similar approach in your own studies or projects.

The Influence of the Thirty Years War on Modern Europe

The Thirty Years War had a lasting impact on Europe, shaping its political and religious landscape for centuries. By reading this book, you'll gain a deeper understanding of how this historical event has influenced the world we live in today. So, if you're curious about history and its impact on the present, this book is a must-read.


authorTa-Nehisi Coates

Ta-Nehisi Coates


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