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The Third Wave

288 pages, 2017


Steve Case, cofounder of America Online and former Chairman of the Board of Directors for Time Warner, shares a roadmap for how anyone can succeed in a world of rapidly changing technology.

At the time that Case founded AOL, only three percent of Americans were online; it took a decade for AOL to achieve mainstream success, and there were many near-death experiences and back-to-the-wall pivots along the way.

After Case engineered AOL’s merger with Time Warner, he became chairman of the combined business and oversaw the biggest media and communications empire in the world.

Understanding the Three Waves of the Internet

In The Third Wave, Steve Case explains the three waves of the internet. The first wave was about building the internet, the second wave was about building apps and services on top of it, and the third wave is about integrating the internet seamlessly into our daily lives. It's a fascinating look into the evolution of the digital world.

The Importance of Partnerships

Case emphasizes the importance of partnerships in the third wave. He believes that no company can succeed on its own. It's all about collaboration and building strong relationships with other businesses, governments, and consumers. So, if you're planning to start a business, remember to look for potential partners.

The Role of Government in the Third Wave

The Third Wave also explores the role of government in the digital age. Case argues that government regulations will play a crucial role in the third wave, unlike in the first two waves. This means entrepreneurs need to understand and navigate these regulations to succeed.

The Power of Perseverance

Steve Case shares his own journey of co-founding AOL and emphasizes the power of perseverance. He faced many challenges and setbacks, but he never gave up. His story is a great reminder that success doesn't come overnight, and perseverance is key.

The Future of Entrepreneurship

The Third Wave provides a glimpse into the future of entrepreneurship. Case believes that the entrepreneurs who will succeed in the third wave are those who are mission-driven, have a long-term vision, and are ready to tackle real-world problems. If you're an aspiring entrepreneur, this book will give you a lot to think about.

Quotes 3

The Third Wave by Steve Case is a compelling vision for the future of innovation and entrepreneurship.

Mark ZuckerbergMark Zuckerberg - Facebook Founder

Steve Case's book The Third Wave is a thought-provoking read about the next era of the digital age.

Sheryl SandbergSheryl Sandberg - Facebook COO

The Third Wave by Steve Case is a fascinating book that provides a roadmap for how to succeed in a future of rapidly changing technology.

Eric SchmidtEric Schmidt - Google CEO
Mark ZuckerbergSheryl SandbergEric Schmidt


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