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The Supreme Court

464 pages, 2016

economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books

At the heart of the private and public life of the nation, the Supreme Court shapes father's rights to their children, women's rights over their bodies, republicans' fight against extradition, political activists' rights to free speech and media coverage, women's access to juries, state attempts to prevent teenagers from ending their pregnancies, gay men's fight for equality before the law, disabled people's fight for education rights, and many other issues. 

Now, having had unprecedented access to a vast number of sources and conducted hundreds of interviews with insiders who have never spoken before about these cases, award-winning Irish Times journalist Ruadhan Mac Cormaic lifts the veil on this court's hidden world in The Supreme Court.

Understanding the Supreme Court

Ruadhan Mac Cormaic's book, The Supreme Court, gives us a deep understanding of the court's role in shaping the law and politics of Ireland. It's a great read if you want to explore the inner workings of the judicial system.

Historical Perspective

The book provides a historical perspective of the Supreme Court, tracing its evolution and impact on Ireland's legal landscape. It's fascinating to see how the court has changed over time.

Influential Figures

Mac Cormaic introduces us to influential figures who have shaped the Supreme Court. From judges to lawyers, he paints a vivid picture of the personalities that have left their mark on the court.

Behind the Scenes

Ever wondered what happens behind the scenes in the Supreme Court? This book gives you a rare glimpse into the court's inner workings, from the decision-making process to the personal dynamics among judges.

Impact on Society

The Supreme Court doesn't just interpret the law, it also shapes society. Mac Cormaic's book shows us how the court's decisions have influenced social issues, from human rights to economic policy. It's a must-read if you want to understand the court's role in shaping modern Ireland.


authorBrad Feld

Brad Feld

entrepreneurtechnologyventure capitalistauthor

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