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The Speed of Trust

354 pages, 2008

business & management

business & management

1082 books


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705 books

In The Speed of Trust, business consultant Stephen M. R. Covey explores the essential ingredient for any high-performance, successful organization: trust. He shows how trust and the speed at which it is established with clients, employees, and constituents is the essential ingredient for any high-performance organization.

 For business leaders and public figures in any arena, The Speed of Trust offers an unprecedented and eminently practical look at exactly how trust functions in our every transaction and relationship from the most personal to the broadest, most indirect interaction, and how to establish trust immediately so that you can forego the time killing bureaucratic check and balance processes so often deployed in lieu of actual trust.

Trust is the Foundation

In The Speed of Trust, Stephen Covey emphasizes that trust is not just a nice-to-have, but a critical component in all relationships. He argues that trust is the very foundation of success, both in personal and professional life. So, if you're looking to improve your relationships or boost your career, you might want to check this book out.

Trust Speeds Things Up

Ever wondered why some teams work more efficiently than others? Covey suggests that the secret ingredient might be trust. He explains that when trust levels are high, communication is faster, collaboration is smoother, and productivity skyrockets. So, if you're struggling with a slow-paced work environment, exploring The Speed of Trust could be a game-changer.

Trust Can Be Built and Rebuilt

One of the most encouraging insights from The Speed of Trust is that trust isn't static. Covey shows that it can be built over time, and even if it's been broken, it can be rebuilt. He provides practical strategies and tools to help you do just that. So, if you've had trust issues in the past, don't worry. This book might just have the solutions you need.

Trust Starts with Self

Covey makes it clear that trust isn't just about others. It starts with trusting yourself. He encourages readers to take a good look at themselves, their values, and their actions. Are they aligned? If not, it's time to make some changes. This book will guide you through that process.

Trust has a Ripple Effect

In The Speed of Trust, you'll find that trust doesn't just impact the people directly involved. It has a ripple effect, influencing others and the overall culture of a group or organization. So, if you're in a leadership position or aspire to be, this book is a must-read. It will help you create a positive, trust-filled environment that benefits everyone.

Quotes 3

The Speed of Trust is not just a book, it's a life philosophy. It's a must-read for anyone who wants to succeed in life and business.

Warren BennisWarren Bennis - Leadership Scholar

The Speed of Trust is a powerful tool that changes the dynamics of any business environment.

Ram CharanRam Charan - Business Consultant

The Speed of Trust is a revolutionary guide that will change how you perceive trust and success.

Tom PetersTom Peters - Management Author
Warren BennisRam CharanTom Peters


John Maeda

John Maeda


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