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The Southwest Airlines Way

336 pages, 2005



909 books
business & management

business & management

1082 books

In an industry with billions of dollars in losses, Southwest Airlines has had an unbroken string of 31 consecutive years of profitability. 

The book The Southwest Airlines Way examines how the company uses high-performance relationships to create a competitive advantage in motivation, teamwork, and coordination among employees. 

It argues that any company can foster these relationships, and it goes further to show how to: Lead with credibility and caring Invest in frontline leaders, hire and train for relational competencies Use conflicts to build relationships, make unions partners—not adversaries—in creating the best possible workplace for employees.

The Power of Relationships

In The Southwest Airlines Way, Jody Gittell emphasizes the importance of building strong relationships within a company. He shows how Southwest Airlines has thrived by fostering a culture of trust and mutual respect among employees. So, if you're looking to boost your company's performance, it's worth exploring how you can strengthen your team's relationships.

The Role of Communication

Gittell's research in the book highlights the crucial role of effective communication in a successful business. Southwest Airlines is known for its open and transparent communication, which has led to increased efficiency and customer satisfaction. It's a great reminder to check how your own organization communicates and see if there's room for improvement.

Importance of Employee Empowerment

One of the key takeaways from The Southwest Airlines Way is the value of empowering employees. Gittell shows how giving employees the freedom to make decisions can lead to innovation and improved service. If you're a business owner, you might want to look into ways to empower your team and see the positive changes it can bring.

The Value of a Strong Corporate Culture

The book also explores the impact of a strong corporate culture on a company's success. Southwest Airlines' unique culture, which emphasizes fun, hard work, and camaraderie, has been a major factor in its success. This could inspire you to dig deeper into your own company culture and find ways to make it even stronger.

The Strategy of Operational Efficiency

Lastly, Gittell highlights the importance of operational efficiency in achieving business goals. He shows how Southwest Airlines' focus on efficient operations has helped it stay profitable in a competitive industry. If you're looking to improve your business, it's worth taking a look at your operations and finding ways to make them more efficient.
