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The Sheltering Sky

327 pages, 2014



1382 books

In The Sheltering Sky, Paul Bowles examines the ways in which Americans apprehend an alien culture. He also explores the ways in which their incomprehension destroys them as they are exposed to the unfathomable emptiness and impassive cruelty of the desert.

Exploring the Unknown

In The Sheltering Sky, Paul Bowles invites us to explore the unknown. The book's main characters, Port and Kit, venture into the North African desert, a place far removed from their comfort zone. This encourages us to step out of our own comfort zones and explore new territories, both literally and metaphorically.

The Fragility of Relationships

Bowles paints a vivid picture of the fragility of relationships. Port and Kit's relationship crumbles under the strain of their journey, showing us that relationships need care and attention to survive. It's a reminder to nurture our own relationships and not take them for granted.

The Power of Environment

The Sheltering Sky shows us how our environment can shape us. The harsh desert landscape has a profound effect on Port and Kit, changing them in ways they never expected. This makes us think about how our own environments shape us and how we might change in different settings.

The Inevitability of Change

Change is a central theme in The Sheltering Sky. Bowles shows us that change is inevitable, whether we like it or not. This can inspire us to embrace change in our own lives, rather than resisting it.

The Search for Meaning

Finally, The Sheltering Sky encourages us to search for meaning in our lives. Port and Kit's journey is ultimately a quest for purpose and understanding. This can motivate us to look for our own purpose and strive to understand the world around us.

Quotes 3

The Sheltering Sky is a book that remains etched in the mind, a poignant exploration of the human condition.

Tennessee WilliamsTennessee Williams - Playwright, Streetcar Named Desire

Paul Bowles opened the world of Hip. He let in the murder, the drugs, the incest, the death of the Square... the call of the orgy, the end of civilization.

Gore VidalGore Vidal - Writer, Political Commentator

The Sheltering Sky is a haunting masterpiece, a true testament to the power of storytelling.

John FowlesJohn Fowles - Novelist, The Collector
Tennessee WilliamsGore VidalJohn Fowles


authorGwyneth Paltrow

Gwyneth Paltrow
