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The Shadow of Sirius
130 pages, 2009
W. S. Merwin's newest collection of poetry is centered on the complex riddles of light, darkness, presence, and memory. In one poem in his latest book, Merwin acknowledges that he has just what he recalls and his recollections are sharp and vivid—the unique properties of fall light, a talk with a childhood teacher, well-cultivated loves, and our long evenings and wonder.
Merwin depicts a scene in Photographer in which someone who understood saves armloads of vintage glass negatives from a dump cart. In another poem about Coal Mining, Merwin conjures up a boy laying in bed at night, listening to the muffled dynamite explosions of coal mining outside his house in an Empty Lot, and we can't help but wonder: How shall we mine our lives?
In The Shadow of Sirius, W.S. Merwin takes us on a journey through the labyrinth of memory. He explores how our past experiences shape us and how we can learn from them. It's a fascinating look into the human mind and the power of memory.
Merwin's love for nature is evident in his poetry. He encourages us to take a moment to appreciate the beauty of the natural world around us. This book will inspire you to see the world in a new light and find joy in the simple things.
The Shadow of Sirius doesn't shy away from the topic of mortality. Instead, it encourages us to face it head-on and see it as a part of life. This book will make you think about your own mortality and how you want to spend your time on earth.
Merwin's use of language is simply breathtaking. He shows us how words can paint vivid pictures and evoke strong emotions. If you're a fan of beautiful, thought-provoking poetry, you should definitely check out this book.
The Shadow of Sirius is more than just a collection of poems. It's a journey of self-discovery. As you read through the book, you'll find yourself reflecting on your own life and experiences. It's a great way to gain a deeper understanding of yourself.