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The Science of Fairy Tales An Inquiry into Fairy Mythology

394 pages, 2018



999 books

This book was converted from its physical edition to the digital format by a community of volunteers. You may find it for free on the web. Kindle format works on most mobile devices.

Understanding Fairy Tales

In 'The Science of Fairy Tales', Edwin Sidney Hartland explores the deep-rooted origins of fairy tales. He digs into the cultural, historical, and psychological aspects that have shaped these stories. It's a fascinating look into the world of fairy tales that goes beyond the surface.

Fairy Tales and Mythology

Hartland's research shows that fairy tales are not just simple stories for children. They are deeply connected to ancient mythology and folklore. By reading this book, you'll see how these tales are a reflection of human beliefs and fears across different cultures and eras.

The Psychology of Fairy Tales

Hartland delves into the psychological aspects of fairy tales. He explores how these stories can influence our subconscious mind and shape our perceptions. It's a unique perspective that will make you see fairy tales in a new light.

The Evolution of Fairy Tales

The book also traces the evolution of fairy tales over time. Hartland shows how these stories have been adapted and modified to suit changing societal norms and values. It's a great way to understand the dynamic nature of storytelling.

The Impact of Fairy Tales

Lastly, 'The Science of Fairy Tales' highlights the impact of these stories on our culture and society. From shaping our moral values to influencing our art and literature, fairy tales have a far-reaching influence that is often overlooked. This book will make you appreciate the power and significance of these timeless tales.


authorGuillermo Del Toro

Guillermo Del Toro
