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The Road Less Stupid

320 pages, 2017

business & management

business & management

1082 books


909 books

Stop doing stupid things. Smart people do dumb things. Here's the proof: How much money would you have right now if I gave you the ability to unwind any financial decision you have ever made? It turns out that the key to getting rich (and staying that way) is to avoid doing stupid things.

 The vast majority of dumb tax in both our lives is a direct result of three things: Generalizations (which kill clarity), obsessing about Oz (instead of the yellow brick road), and faulty assumptions (ignoring risk).

Thinking Time

Keith J. Cunningham emphasizes the importance of setting aside 'thinking time'. This is a dedicated time to reflect on your business, make strategic decisions, and avoid costly mistakes. It's not about rushing, but about taking the time to think things through.

Avoiding Stupidity

The book's title, 'The Road Less Stupid', is a nod to the author's belief that success is often about avoiding stupidity, rather than being exceptionally smart. He suggests that by avoiding common pitfalls and mistakes, you can achieve greater success.

The Power of Questions

Cunningham believes in the power of asking the right questions. He suggests that by asking better questions, you can get better answers and make smarter decisions. So, take a look at the questions you're asking and see if they're helping you move forward.

Learning from Mistakes

He encourages readers to learn from their mistakes. Instead of seeing them as failures, view them as valuable lessons. This can help you avoid repeating the same mistakes and move closer to your goals.

Financial Literacy

The author stresses the importance of financial literacy. Understanding the financial aspects of your business can help you make informed decisions and avoid costly mistakes. So, dig into your financials and make sure you understand them.


Ran Segall

Ran Segall


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