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The Rise and Fall of Violent Crime in America

424 pages, 2017

economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books


999 books

The rise and fall of violent crime in America had a profound effect on American life in the last third of the twentieth century. It frightened virtually all Americans and prompted significant alterations in everyday behaviors and even lifestyles. 

The risk of being mugged was a concern when Americans chose places to live and schools for their children selected commuter routes to work and planned their leisure activities. 

In some locales, people were afraid to leave their dwellings at any time, day or night, even to go to the market. In the worst of the post-1960s crime wave, Americans spent part of each day literally looking back over their shoulders.

Understanding the Crime Wave

In 'The Rise and Fall of Violent Crime in America', Barry Latzer explores the reasons behind the crime wave that swept America from the 1960s to the 1990s. He digs into the social, economic, and political factors that contributed to this surge, providing a comprehensive look at this complex issue.

The Role of Demographics

Latzer's research in the book shows that demographics played a significant role in the rise and fall of violent crime. He found that crime rates were particularly high among young, urban males. Understanding this can help us develop more effective crime prevention strategies.

Impact of Legal and Policy Changes

The book also highlights how changes in laws and policies affected crime rates. For instance, Latzer points out that the relaxation of penalties for drug offenses in the 1970s contributed to the rise in crime. This takeaway encourages us to consider the potential consequences of legal changes.

The Fall of Violent Crime

Latzer doesn't just focus on the rise of violent crime, he also explores its decline. He attributes this to various factors, including an aging population, improved policing strategies, and changes in drug markets. This part of the book gives us hope that it's possible to reduce crime rates.

The Importance of Historical Context

One of the key takeaways from 'The Rise and Fall of Violent Crime in America' is the importance of understanding crime in its historical context. Latzer shows that crime trends are influenced by a wide range of factors, from demographic shifts to policy changes. This encourages us to look beyond simple explanations when trying to understand crime.


authorBen Shapiro

Ben Shapiro

journalistmedia personalitypoliticsauthor

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