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The Reducetarian Solution

320 pages, 2017

health & fitness

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316 books
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1064 books

Brian Kateman coined the term reducetarian—a person who is deliberately reducing his or her consumption of meat--and the movement exploded. In this book, Kateman, founder of the Reducetarian Foundation, presents more than 70 original essays from influential thinkers on how such a simple act as cutting 10 percent or more of the meat from one's diet can transform lives for the better.

 This collection includes contributions from luminaries like Seth Godin, Joel Fuhrman, Victoria Moran, Jeff Sachs, Bill McKibben, and many others over 40 vegan and vegetarian recipes from bestselling cookbook author Pat Crocker as well as practical tips for reducing meat in your diet. The Reducetarian Solution is an essential read for anyone concerned about our planet and their own health!

Understanding Reducetarianism

The Reducetarian Solution by Brian Kateman introduces us to the concept of 'Reducetarianism'. It's a flexible approach to eating, where you don't have to completely give up meat, but you consciously reduce your consumption. It's a great read for those who want to make a change but find the idea of going completely vegetarian or vegan too daunting.

Health Benefits

Brian Kateman's book explores the health benefits of reducing meat consumption. He presents research that links high meat consumption to various health issues like heart disease and obesity. By cutting down on meat, you're not just helping the planet, you're also taking a big step towards a healthier lifestyle.

Environmental Impact

The book also digs into the environmental impact of meat production. It's a real eye-opener to see how our dietary choices can affect the planet. By reducing our meat intake, we can significantly lower our carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Practical Tips and Recipes

What's great about The Reducetarian Solution is that it's not just about theory. The book is packed with practical tips and delicious recipes to help you reduce your meat consumption without feeling deprived. It's a great resource for anyone looking to make a change in their diet.

A Compassionate Approach

Brian Kateman emphasizes a compassionate approach to eating. He believes that every small step counts and that we shouldn't judge others for their dietary choices. This book encourages us to be more mindful of our eating habits and to make changes at our own pace.

Quotes 4

The Reducetarian Solution is a game-changer that highlights the benefits of reducing meat consumption for our health, the environment, and animals. It's a must-read for anyone who cares about these issues.

Peter SingerPeter Singer - Ethics Philosopher

The Reducetarian Solution offers a practical and realistic roadmap for a healthier and more sustainable diet. It's a powerful tool for change.

Mark BittmanMark Bittman - Food Journalist

The Reducetarian Solution is a compelling and comprehensive guide to the benefits of reducing meat consumption. It's a must-read for anyone interested in the future of food.

Michael PollanMichael Pollan - Author, Journalist

The Reducetarian Solution is a powerful and practical guide to improving our health, saving animals, and protecting the planet. It's a book that can change the world.

Paul McCartneyPaul McCartney - Musician, Songwriter
Peter SingerMark BittmanMichael PollanPaul McCartney


Earthling Ed

Earthling Ed


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66 books

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