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The Reckless Mind

248 pages, 2016



711 books
economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books

In a book about the political commitment of six leading twentieth-century thinkers—Martin Heidegger, Carl Schmitt, Walter Benjamin, Alexandre Kojève, Michel Foucault and Jacques Derrida—Mark Lilla explores the psychology of political commitment. 

As continental Europe gave birth to two great ideological systems in the twentieth century (communism and fascism), it also gave birth to a new social type: the philotyrannical intellectual. 

Lilla shows how these thinkers were not only grappling with enduring philosophical questions but they were also writing out of their own experiences and passions.

The Danger of Intellectuals in Politics

In The Reckless Mind, Mark Lilla explores the idea that intellectuals can sometimes cause more harm than good when they get involved in politics. He argues that their abstract ideas often don't translate well into practical policies, leading to disastrous results. So, if you're an intellectual, it's worth considering how your ideas might play out in the real world before you jump into the political arena.

The Influence of Philosophy on Politics

Lilla's book also takes a look at how philosophical ideas can shape political ideologies. He examines the works of several influential thinkers and how their ideas have been used - and misused - in politics. This is a great reminder to always question the origins of the ideas we encounter and to think critically about their potential implications.

The Role of Radicalism

The Reckless Mind digs into the concept of radicalism, showing how radical ideas can lead to both progress and destruction. Lilla encourages readers to be cautious of radicalism, as it can often lead to unintended consequences. This is a valuable lesson for anyone interested in social change or political activism.

The Power of Critical Thinking

One of the key takeaways from The Reckless Mind is the importance of critical thinking. Lilla emphasizes that we should always question the ideas we encounter, especially those that seem appealing or revolutionary. This book will inspire you to sharpen your critical thinking skills and to always question the status quo.

The Impact of Ideologies

Finally, Lilla's book encourages readers to explore the impact of ideologies on society. He shows how ideologies can shape our world in profound ways, for better or worse. If you're interested in understanding the world around you, this book will give you a lot to think about.