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The Pretty One

256 pages, 2019

biographies & memoirs

biographies & memoirs

997 books

In The Pretty One, disability rights advocate Keah Brown shares deeply personal stories about her life and relationship with her identical twin sister. Brown is self-assured, but she wasn't always like this. As a youngster with cerebral palsy, her biggest longing was for normalcy and a safe haven from society's incessant assault of self-hatred. After years of introspection and reaching out to others in her community, she has reclaimed herself and improved her attitude toward herself and others.

Embrace Your Uniqueness

Keah Brown encourages us to embrace our uniqueness. She shares her own journey of self-acceptance as a black woman with cerebral palsy, showing us that it's okay to be different. You'll find her story inspiring and it might even help you see your own uniqueness in a new light.

The Power of Representation

In The Pretty One, Keah Brown explores the importance of representation in media. She shares her own experiences of not seeing people like her in movies or on TV. This book will make you realize how crucial it is for everyone to see themselves represented in the media.

Overcoming Obstacles

Keah Brown's story is a powerful example of overcoming obstacles. Despite the challenges she faced due to her disability, she never let it define her. If you're facing your own challenges, this book might give you the motivation you need to keep going.

The Importance of Self-Love

One of the key messages in The Pretty One is the importance of self-love. Keah Brown teaches us that loving ourselves, flaws and all, is the first step towards happiness. Check out this book if you're looking to boost your self-esteem and start loving yourself more.

Advocacy for Disability Rights

Keah Brown is not just an author, but also a strong advocate for disability rights. In The Pretty One, she shares her experiences and insights about the struggles faced by people with disabilities. This book will make you see the importance of advocating for equal rights for everyone, regardless of their physical condition.


authorRoxane Gay

Roxane Gay


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