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The Phantom World

376 pages, 2017

spirituality & religion

spirituality & religion

408 books

Augustin Calmet, the author of The Phantom World, was an unlikely candidate to write a book about ghosts. He was a priest, professor of theology, and archdeacon in Paris. But his work as an examiner at the Sorbonne had enabled him to study all manner of fascinating supernatural tales and beliefs. And he wanted to find out which ones were true and which were false – because he had visions himself that might be real. He published this famous book in 1746, but it became so popular that it was reprinted over 200 years later by another scholar with additional research on some topics brought up in Calmest’s text. ‍

Exploring the Supernatural

In The Phantom World, Augustin Calmet takes us on a journey into the supernatural. He explores the existence of ghosts, apparitions, and other paranormal phenomena. If you're curious about the unknown, this book will definitely pique your interest.

Historical Perspective

Calmet doesn't just talk about the supernatural, he also provides a historical perspective. He digs into ancient texts and historical accounts to provide context to his research. This book is not just about ghosts, it's also a fascinating look into history.

Rational Approach

What sets The Phantom World apart is Calmet's rational approach. He doesn't just accept the existence of the supernatural, he questions it. He looks into each case with a critical eye, making the book a balanced exploration of the supernatural.

Influence on Gothic Literature

If you're a fan of gothic literature, you'll find The Phantom World interesting. Calmet's research and theories have greatly influenced this genre. By reading this book, you'll see how his ideas have shaped the stories we love today.

Understanding Human Fear

Finally, The Phantom World is a study of human fear. Calmet explores why we are afraid of the unknown and how our fears shape our perception of the world. This book will not only entertain you, but also make you understand yourself better.


authorGuillermo Del Toro

Guillermo Del Toro


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