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The Oxygen Advantage
368 pages, 2016
A simple yet revolutionary approach to improving your body’s oxygen use, increasing your health, weight loss, and sports performance—whether you’re a recovering couch potato or an Ironman triathlon champion. With a foreword by New York Times bestselling author Dr. Joseph Mercola.
Achieve more with less effort: The secret to weight loss, fitness, and wellness lies in the most basic and most overlooked function of your body—how you breathe. One of the greatest obstacles to better health and fitness is a rarely identified problem: chronic over-breathing.
We often take many more breaths than we need—without realizing it—contributing to poor health and fitness, including a host of disorders, from anxiety and asthma to insomnia and heart issues.
In The Oxygen Advantage, the man who has trained over 5,000 people—including Olympic and professional athletes—in reduced breathing exercises now shares his scientifically validated techniques to help you breathe more efficiently.
In The Oxygen Advantage, Patrick McKeown emphasizes the importance of correct breathing. He suggests that many of us are over-breathing, which can lead to a range of health issues. By learning to breathe properly, we can improve our overall health and wellbeing.
McKeown introduces the concept of the BOLT (Body Oxygen Level Test) score in his book. This is a simple self-test to measure your body's oxygen efficiency. The higher your BOLT score, the better your body is at utilizing oxygen. It's a great tool to check your progress as you explore the techniques in the book.
The Oxygen Advantage encourages readers to switch from mouth to nasal breathing. According to McKeown, nasal breathing filters the air, increases oxygen uptake, and can even improve your athletic performance. So, next time you go for a run, try breathing through your nose.
Struggling with sleep? The Oxygen Advantage might have the solution. The book offers a range of breathing techniques designed to improve sleep quality. By reducing your breathing rate before bed, you can help your body relax and prepare for a good night's sleep.
McKeown's book also explores the link between breathing and stress. He suggests that by controlling our breathing, we can control our response to stress. This can be a game-changer for anyone dealing with anxiety or high-stress situations.
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