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The Korean War

320 pages, 2011

economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books

In Volume II of The Origins of the Korean War, Cummings examines the internal political-economic development of the two Korean states and the consequences, for Korea, of the Cold War rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union.

 He investigates the intense border fighting and internal political instability that preceded the Northern invasion and challenges the notion of sudden Soviet-sponsored intervention. He discusses, among other topics, the containment doctrine as applied to South Korea and the subsequent adoption by the United States of a rollback policy aimed at eliminating communism in North Korea. 

Understanding the Origins

Bruce Cumings explores the origins of the Korean War, tracing it back to the end of World War II. He suggests that the war was not just a byproduct of the Cold War, but a continuation of Korea's struggle for independence.

The Role of the US and USSR

The book digs into the role of the United States and the Soviet Union in the Korean War. Cumings argues that both superpowers used the war as a proxy to further their own interests, leading to a prolonged and devastating conflict.

The Impact on Korean Society

Cumings takes a look at the profound impact of the war on Korean society. He shows how the war led to the division of the Korean peninsula and the establishment of two distinct political systems, which continue to shape Korea's present and future.

The Human Cost of the War

The author doesn't shy away from the human cost of the war. He paints a vivid picture of the suffering endured by the Korean people, reminding us that behind the politics and strategies, there were real people whose lives were forever changed.

The Legacy of the Korean War

Finally, Cumings researches the legacy of the Korean War. He argues that the war is not a forgotten conflict, but a defining moment in modern history that continues to influence international relations and the global balance of power.


authorNoam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky


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