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The Only Game in Town

320 pages, 2016

economics & politics

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165 books

A roadmap to what lies ahead and the decisions we must make now to stave off the next global economic and financial crisis, from one of the world’s most influential economic thinkers and the author of When Markets Collide Our current economic path is coming to an end. 

The signposts are all around us: sluggish growth, rising inequality, stubbornly high pockets of unemployment, and jittery financial markets, to name a few. Soon we will reach a fork in the road: One path leads to renewed growth, prosperity, and financial stability, and the other to recession and market disorder. 

In The Only Game in Town, El-Erian casts his gaze toward the future of the global economy and markets, outlining the choices we face both individually and collectively in an era of economic uncertainty and financial insecurity. Beginning with their response to the 2008 global crisis, El-Erian explains how and why our central banks became the critical policy actors—and, most importantly, why they cannot continue in this role alone.  

Understanding the New Normal

In The Only Game in Town, Mohamed El-Erian explores the concept of the 'new normal'. This refers to a world where economic growth is slow and uneven, and where traditional economic models no longer apply. It's a fascinating look into how our global economy is changing and what that means for us.

The Role of Central Banks

El-Erian digs into the role of central banks in our economy. He explains how they've become the 'only game in town', stepping in to stabilize markets and economies when other institutions can't or won't. It's a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the power and limitations of these institutions.

The Importance of Policy

The book also highlights the importance of policy in shaping our economic future. El-Erian argues that relying on central banks alone isn't enough - we need smart, effective policies to promote growth and stability. If you're interested in policy-making or economics, you'll find his insights invaluable.

The Risks of Inaction

El-Erian warns of the risks of inaction. If we don't take steps to address the challenges of the 'new normal', we could face a future of economic stagnation and instability. It's a sobering reminder of the need for action and innovation in our economic systems.

A Call to Action

Finally, The Only Game in Town is a call to action. El-Erian urges us to rethink our economic models, to embrace new ideas and approaches, and to work together to build a more stable, prosperous future. It's a powerful message that will inspire you to see the world - and your role in it - in a new light.

Quotes 3

El-Erian's book is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand the future of the global economy and the financial markets.

Larry SummersLarry Summers - Economist, University President

El-Erian's book provides a clear and concise roadmap to understanding the world's economic situation.

Nouriel RoubiniNouriel Roubini - Economist, Professor

El-Erian's insights are invaluable for anyone seeking to comprehend the state of the global economy.

Christine LagardeChristine Lagarde - Politician, Lawyer
Larry SummersNouriel RoubiniChristine Lagarde


authorWalter Isaacson

Walter Isaacson

authorMark Cuban

Mark Cuban

entrepreneurmedia personalityventure capitalistauthor

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