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The Nine Faces of Christ

512 pages, 1980



1382 books

NINE FACES OF CHRIST is the narrative of Joseph-bar- Joseph, a Messiah crucified in 57B. C. This story illustrates the styles and ways that are needed to develop the inner or initiate God's tone. It deals with the secret and True Religion before all persuasions, and with the medication and inauguration of the seeker into numerous secret and sacred metaphysical studies. 

From the mystification of the Magians to the ancient Egyptian training for the God-King, no bone will be barred from this life-changing trip, a trip that welcomes all. Then are bared initiate truth similar to those the Greek Philosopher Plato dared not to expose because he was under sacred pledge to keep them concealed. It deals with the inspired and grim hunt for the True Religion, the unearthing of spiritual verity long held so secret that one might indeed risk life itself to find it. 

Exploring the Many Faces of Christ

Eugene Whitworth takes us on a journey through the many incarnations of Christ. He shows us that Christ is not just a single entity, but a universal spirit that has appeared in many forms throughout history. This book encourages us to look beyond traditional religious teachings and explore the broader spiritual message of Christ.

The Power of Spiritual Growth

The Nine Faces of Christ is a powerful tool for spiritual growth. Whitworth encourages us to dig deeper into our own spiritual journey, using the different faces of Christ as a guide. He shows us that spiritual growth is a continuous process, and that we can always find new ways to connect with the divine.

Understanding the Universal Truths

Whitworth's book is not just about Christianity. It's about universal truths that apply to all religions and spiritual paths. He shows us that the teachings of Christ are not exclusive to one religion, but are universal messages of love, compassion, and understanding. This book encourages us to see the common threads that unite all spiritual paths.

The Importance of Inner Transformation

One of the key messages in The Nine Faces of Christ is the importance of inner transformation. Whitworth shows us that true spiritual growth comes from within, and that we must first change ourselves before we can change the world. This book encourages us to take a look at our own lives and see where we can make positive changes.

A New Perspective on Christ

Whitworth's book offers a fresh perspective on Christ. He shows us that Christ is not just a historical figure, but a living, breathing spirit that continues to inspire and guide us today. This book encourages us to research and explore our own relationship with Christ, and to find new ways to connect with this powerful spiritual force.
