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The New Penguin Atlas of Ancient History

128 pages, 2003



999 books

The Penguin Atlas of Ancient History illustrates, in a chronological series of maps, the evolution, and flux of races in Europe, the Mediterranean area and the Near East. From 50,000 B. C. to the fourth century A. D., it is one of the most successful of the bestselling historical atlas series. 

Understanding the Ancient World

The New Penguin Atlas of Ancient History by Colin McEvedy offers a comprehensive look into the ancient world. It's a great resource to explore if you're interested in understanding how civilizations have evolved over time.

Visualizing Historical Changes

One of the key features of this book is its use of maps to illustrate historical changes. McEvedy's work allows you to visually see the rise and fall of ancient civilizations, making it easier to grasp the scale and impact of these historical events.

Insight into Cultural Interactions

The book provides a deep insight into how different cultures interacted with each other in ancient times. It's fascinating to see how these interactions shaped the world as we know it today. So, if you're curious about the roots of modern cultures, this book is a must-read.

Easy to Understand

Despite dealing with complex historical events, the author has a knack for making things easy to understand. He breaks down complicated concepts into simple terms, making it a great book for both history buffs and beginners.

A Journey Through Time

Reading The New Penguin Atlas of Ancient History is like taking a journey through time. It's a chance to step back and see the bigger picture of human history. If you're ready to dig into the past and find out how we got to where we are today, this book is the perfect guide.


authorPaul Graham

Paul Graham

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