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The New Intifada

320 pages, 2001



999 books
economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books

Frustrated by the failure of the peace process to end the Israeli occupation, and outraged by Ariel Sharon’s invasion, with one thousand armed guards, of the Al-Aqsa holy site in East Jerusalem, the Palestinian population of Israel and the Occupied Territories rose up in September 2000. 

A new intifada has raged ever since. In these pages, a group of writers and analysts, many of them directly involved in the conflict, trace the origins of the uprising, its consequences for the Palestinian people and the Israeli state, and its likely impact on the future of peace in the Middle East. 

They discuss the role of the United States in the conflict, pick apart the fraudulence of the Oslo accords, examine the brutal response of the Barak and Sharon governments, and critically appraise the strategy of the Palestinian leadership. 

In addition, several contributors provide eloquent first-hand reports from the front line of the intifada—from the streets of Jerusalem and Gaza to refugee camps in Lebanon and schools on the West Bank. Photographs provide searing testimony to the heroism and costs of the resistance. 

Understanding the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict

The New Intifada, written by Roane Carey, provides a deep understanding of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. It's a great resource if you want to explore the historical, political, and social aspects of this ongoing issue.

The Role of the United States

Carey highlights the significant role the United States plays in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. He encourages readers to research more about the US's foreign policies and their impact on the Middle East.

The Humanitarian Crisis

The book sheds light on the humanitarian crisis in Palestine. It's a call to action for readers to look into the living conditions, human rights abuses, and the struggles of the Palestinian people.

The Power of Activism

Roane Carey emphasizes the importance of activism in bringing about change. He inspires readers to take a stand and use their voices to advocate for peace and justice.

The Need for a Solution

The New Intifada is not just about understanding the conflict, but also about finding a solution. Carey encourages readers to dig deeper into potential resolutions and the role they can play in promoting peace.


authorNoam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky


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