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The New American Story

384 pages, 2007

economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books

Bill Bradley argues that America is at a teachable moment when we are compelled to reevaluate our political system, our leadership, and our agenda as a nation. With clarity and urgency, he shows why the story we are being told now about who we are as a people is not true. He then offers a new story about our nation, based on America’s rich heritage and his belief in the character of the American people.

The Importance of Unity

In The New American Story, Bill Bradley emphasizes the importance of unity in America. He believes that we should look beyond our differences and work together to create a better future. This is a powerful message that encourages us to set aside our personal biases and prejudices.

The Power of Democracy

Bradley explores the power of democracy in his book. He suggests that every citizen has a role to play in shaping the country's future. This is a great reminder for us to participate actively in our democracy, whether it's by voting, volunteering, or voicing our opinions.

The Role of Government

The New American Story also digs into the role of government in society. Bradley argues that the government should be a force for good, helping to create opportunities for all citizens. This perspective can inspire us to think about how we can influence government policies to bring about positive change.

The Need for Economic Equality

Bradley's book also highlights the need for economic equality in America. He believes that everyone should have a fair shot at success, regardless of their background. This is a thought-provoking message that can motivate us to work towards a more equitable society.

The Value of Education

In The New American Story, Bradley also emphasizes the value of education. He sees it as a key to unlocking opportunities and achieving success. This takeaway can encourage us to invest in our own education and support initiatives that promote learning.


Meg Whitman

Meg Whitman


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