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The Neon Bible

162 pages, 1994



1382 books

The Neon Bible tells the story of David, a youthful boy growing up in a small Southern city in the 1940s. Davids's voice is impeccably calibrated, disarmingly funny, sad, shrewd, gathering force from runner to runner with an emotional honesty that noway setbacks into saccharine. 

Through it, we partake in his awkward, painful, widely recognizable hassle with first love, we share in boy evangelist Bobbie Lee Taylor's reanimation, and we meet the pious, prejudiced townspeople. 

From the opening lines of The Neon Bible, David is completely alive, naive yet sprucely observant, drawing us into his world through the sure art of John Kennedy Toole. John Kennedy Toole, who won a postmortem Pulitzer Prize for his best-dealing ridiculous masterpiece A coalition of Dunces, wrote The Neon Bible for an erudite contest at the age of sixteen. 

The handwriting sagged in a hole and came the subject of a legal battle among Toole's heirs at law. It was only in 1989, thirty-five times after it was written and twenty times after Toole's self-murder at thirty-one, that this astonishingly fulfilled and suggestive novel was freed for publication. 

The Struggles of Adolescence

John Kennedy Toole's The Neon Bible explores the challenges of growing up. The protagonist, David, navigates through the complexities of adolescence, dealing with issues like religion, sexuality, and societal expectations. It's a great read if you want to revisit the trials and tribulations of your teenage years.

The Impact of Environment

The Neon Bible shows how our surroundings can shape us. David's small-town life in the South and the people he encounters significantly influence his worldview. If you're interested in how environment impacts character development, this book is a must-read.

Religion and Hypocrisy

Toole takes a critical look at religion in The Neon Bible. He explores the hypocrisy and judgment often found in religious communities, making readers question the role of faith in society. If you're into books that challenge religious norms, you'll find this one intriguing.

The Power of Dreams

In The Neon Bible, David dreams of escaping his small town and achieving something more. This theme of aspiration and the pursuit of dreams is a powerful reminder of the human spirit's resilience. If you're looking for a book that inspires you to chase your dreams, this is it.

The Tragedy of Isolation

Toole paints a poignant picture of loneliness and isolation in The Neon Bible. David's struggle with feeling misunderstood and disconnected from his community is something many readers can relate to. If you've ever felt alone in a crowd, this book will resonate with you.


authorTucker Max

Tucker Max
