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The Mommy Track Mysteries

240 pages, 2001



1382 books

Welcome back to the exasperating world of Juliet Applebaum, a public defender turned sleep-deprived stay-at-home mom--and a unique, highly likable sleuth (Judith Kelman). When her infant son's beautiful young Chasidic babysitter vanishes, Juliet can't help wondering if the girl was fleeing something even scarier than her screaming, squalling charge. 

Like her upcoming arranged marriage, maybe? It's certainly possible. Or perhaps something much more sinister has occurred. Why else would her family be so reluctant to call in the police? 

To find out the truth, Juliet, with her over-tired kids in tow, will have to travel from her havoc-filled home in Los Angeles to a Chasidic enclave in Brooklyn. Searching for answers. In pursuit of justice. And in desperate need of a big, long nap. 

Balancing Work and Family

The Mommy Track Mysteries by Ayelet Waldman explores the challenges of balancing a demanding career with family life. The protagonist, Juliet Applebaum, is a former public defender turned stay-at-home mom who solves mysteries. This book encourages us to find a balance between our professional and personal lives.

The Importance of Persistence

In the book, Juliet Applebaum shows us that persistence is key. Despite the challenges she faces, she never gives up on solving the mysteries that come her way. This is a great reminder for us to stay determined and persistent in our own lives.

The Power of Intuition

Ayelet Waldman's book highlights the power of intuition. Juliet often relies on her gut feelings to solve mysteries, showing us that sometimes, our instincts can be our best guide. It's a great book to check out if you want to learn more about trusting your intuition.

The Value of Humor

One of the key takeaways from The Mommy Track Mysteries is the value of humor. Despite the serious nature of her work, Juliet maintains a sense of humor, which helps her cope with stress. This book encourages us to find humor in our own lives, even in difficult situations.

The Role of Women in Society

The book also explores the role of women in society. Juliet is not just a mom, but also a detective, challenging traditional gender roles. This book encourages us to question societal norms and expectations about women's roles.
