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The Medium is the Massage

160 pages, 2001



711 books


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401 books

30 years after its publication, Marshall McLuhans The Medium is the Massage remains his most entertaining, provocative, and piquant book. With every technological and social advancement, McLuhan's proclamation that the media work us over completely becomes more evident and plain.

 In his words, so pervasive are they in their personal, political, economic, aesthetic, psychological, moral, ethical, and social consequences that they leave no part of us untouched, unaffected, or unaltered. McLuhan suggests modern audiences enjoy MainStream media as soothing, enjoyable, and relaxing; however, the pleasure we find in the mainstream media is deceiving because/as/since the changes between society and technology are incongruent, perpetuating an Age of Anxiety. 

McLuhan's remarkable observation that societies have always been shaped more by the nature of the media by which men communicate than by the content of the communication is undoubtedly more relevant today than ever before. With the rise of the internet and the explosion of the digital revolution, there has never been a better time to revisit Marshall McLuhan. 

Understanding Media

Marshall McLuhan explores the idea that the medium of communication is just as important, if not more so, than the message it carries. He suggests that the way we receive information can shape our understanding and perception of it. So, if you're looking to communicate effectively, it's worth considering not just what you say, but how you say it.

The Global Village

McLuhan introduces the concept of the 'global village', where technology has made the world smaller and more interconnected. This book will make you see how our world has changed and continues to evolve with technology. It's a great read if you're interested in understanding the impact of technology on society.

The Influence of Media

The book digs into the profound influence media has on our lives. It's not just about the information we consume, but how it shapes our thoughts, behaviors, and even our culture. If you're curious about the power of media, this book is a must-read.

Hot and Cool Media

He differentiates between 'hot' and 'cool' media. Hot media is high-definition and requires less audience participation, while cool media is low-definition and requires more involvement. This concept can help you understand and choose the right medium for your message.

Media as Extensions of Man

McLuhan sees media as extensions of the human body and mind, enhancing our abilities to perceive and interact with the world. This perspective can change the way you view and use different forms of media. So, if you're looking to explore the relationship between humans and media, check out The Medium is the Massage.

Quotes 3

McLuhan's work, especially 'The Medium is the Massage', is a profound exploration of the effects of technology on human consciousness.

Neil PostmanNeil Postman - Media theorist, Educator

McLuhan's 'The Medium is the Massage' is a revolutionary work that challenges our understanding of media and its impact on our lives.

Tom WolfeTom Wolfe - Journalist, Novelist

'The Medium is the Massage' by McLuhan is a seminal work that has shaped my understanding of media and its influence on society.

Douglas RushkoffDouglas Rushkoff - Media theorist, Writer
Neil PostmanTom WolfeDouglas Rushkoff


authorTim Ferriss

Tim Ferriss

media personalitytechnologyventure capitalistauthor