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The Measure of Reality

262 pages, 1997

science & nature

science & nature

1064 books


711 books


999 books

The Measure of Reality discusses the epochal shift from qualitative to quantitative perception in Western Europe during the late Middle Ages and Renaissance. This shift made modern science, technology, business practice, and bureaucracy possible. 

It affected not only the obvious – such as measurements of time and space and mathematical technique – but, equally and simultaneously, music and painting, thus proving that the shift was even more profound than once thought. 

The Power of Quantification

Alfred W. Crosby explores the idea that the Western world's rise to global dominance was largely due to its ability to quantify reality. This means measuring and defining everything around us, from time and space to weight and temperature. It's a fascinating look into how our understanding of the world shapes our place in it.

The Birth of Modern Science

Crosby digs into the birth of modern science, showing how the Western world's obsession with measurement and quantification led to scientific breakthroughs. He makes you see how our ability to measure and define the world around us has been crucial in our scientific and technological advancements.

The Impact of the Renaissance

The book takes a deep look into the Renaissance period, a time when the Western world began to see the world in a new light. Crosby shows how this period of intense creativity and intellectual exploration was also a time of great strides in measurement and quantification, which played a key role in the West's rise to power.

The Influence of Quantification on Society

Crosby also explores how the Western world's ability to quantify reality has shaped our society and culture. From the way we organize our days to the way we conduct business, the influence of quantification is everywhere. It's a fascinating look into how our understanding of the world shapes our daily lives.

The Future of Quantification

Finally, Crosby takes a look at the future of quantification. As we continue to find new ways to measure and define the world around us, what impact will this have on our society, culture, and place in the world? It's a thought-provoking exploration that will make you see the world in a new light.


Nick Szabo

Nick Szabo
