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The Meaning of Culture

320 pages, 2010



711 books

John Cowper Powys could never be straightforward or orthodox, but here he sets off with a useful purpose. The aim of this book, he declares, is to narrow down a vague and somewhat evasive conception, which hitherto, like aristocracy or liberty, has come to imply a number of contradictory and even paradoxical elements, and to give it, not, of course, a purely logical form, but a concrete, particular, recognizable form, malleable and yielding enough and relative enough, but with a definite and quite unambiguous temper, tone, quality, atmosphere, of its own.

 The book is in two parts: Analysis of Culture which deals with, in separate chapters, Philosophy, Literature, Poetry, and Painting, and Religion: Application of Culture which covers Happiness, Love, Nature, The Art of Reading, Human Relations, Destiny and Obstacles to Culture.  

Understanding Culture

John Cowper Powys explores the concept of culture in a unique way. He suggests that culture is not just about art, literature, and music, but it's about how we perceive and interact with the world around us. It's a fascinating perspective that will make you see culture in a new light.

The Role of Imagination

Powys emphasizes the importance of imagination in our lives. He believes that our ability to imagine different scenarios and possibilities can enrich our cultural experiences. So, let your imagination run wild and see how it changes your perspective.

The Power of Individuality

In 'The Meaning of Culture', Powys encourages us to embrace our individuality. He argues that our unique experiences and perspectives contribute to the richness of culture. So, don't be afraid to be yourself and share your unique viewpoint with the world.

The Importance of Emotions

Powys also explores the role of emotions in culture. He suggests that our feelings and emotions can greatly influence our cultural experiences. So, don't suppress your emotions, let them guide you in your cultural journey.

The Influence of Nature

Lastly, Powys highlights the influence of nature on culture. He believes that our relationship with the natural world can greatly shape our cultural understanding. So, take some time to connect with nature and see how it influences your cultural perspective.


Tim O’Reilly

Tim O’Reilly
