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The Maltese Falcon

217 pages, 1992


A coolly glittering gem of detective fiction that has haunted three generations of readers, from one of the greatest mystery writers of all time. A treasure worth killing for. Sam Spade, a slightly shopworn private eye with his own solitary code of ethics. A perfumed grafter named Joel Cairo, a fat man name Gutman, and Brigid O’Shaughnessy, a beautiful and treacherous woman whose loyalties shift at the drop of a dime. These are the ingredients of Dashiell Hammett's iconic, influential, and beloved The Maltese Falcon. 

The Intricacies of Human Nature

Dashiell Hammett's The Maltese Falcon explores the complexities of human nature. The characters are not simply good or bad, but a mix of both. This book encourages us to look deeper into people's motivations and understand that everyone has their own unique story.

The Power of Greed

The Maltese Falcon is a stark reminder of how greed can consume people. The characters are driven by their desire for the priceless falcon, leading them to make questionable decisions. It's a great book to check out if you want to see how greed can influence people's actions.

The Art of Deception

Hammett's book is a masterclass in deception. The characters constantly lie and manipulate each other to get what they want. It's a fascinating look into the art of deception and how it can be used to one's advantage.

The Importance of Loyalty

In The Maltese Falcon, loyalty is a recurring theme. The protagonist, Sam Spade, is loyal to his partner, even when he's not the most likable person. This book will make you think about the importance of loyalty in your own life.

The Thrill of the Chase

The Maltese Falcon is a thrilling chase for a priceless artifact. It's a page-turner that will keep you on the edge of your seat. If you're into suspense and excitement, you'll definitely want to dig into this book.

Quotes 5

Hammett took murder out of the Venetian vase and dropped it into the alley; The Maltese Falcon is not just a detective story, it is a masterpiece.

Raymond ChandlerRaymond Chandler - Detective Fiction Writer

The Maltese Falcon is a work of genius, and Dashiell Hammett is a master of the detective novel.

William FaulknerWilliam Faulkner - Nobel Laureate Author

The Maltese Falcon is a seminal work in the noir genre. Hammett is the godfather of hard-boiled detective fiction.

James EllroyJames Ellroy - Crime Fiction Writer

The Maltese Falcon is a touchstone in the genre, a classic. Hammett's work is a must-read for any serious student of crime fiction.

Sara ParetskySara Paretsky - Mystery Novelist

The Maltese Falcon is a masterpiece of the genre. Hammett is the man who took detective stories out of the drawing room and into the streets.

Robert B. ParkerRobert B. Parker - Crime Writer
Raymond ChandlerWilliam FaulknerJames EllroySara ParetskyRobert B. Parker


authorJordan Peterson, educator and media personality and scientist and author, Recommending BestBooks

Jordan Peterson

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