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The Lying Life of Adults

324 pages, 2020



1382 books

Giovanna’s enough face is changing, turning unattractive, at least so her father thinks. Giovanna, he says, looks more like her Aunt Vittoria every day. But can it be true? Is she really changing? Is she turning into her Aunt Vittoria, a woman she hardly knows but whom her mama and father easily despise? Surely, there's a glass nearly in which she can see herself as she truly is. Giovanna is searching for her reflection in two kindred metropolises that sweat and hate one another Naples of the heights, which assumes a mask of refinement, and Naples of the depths, a place of redundant and roughness. She moves from one to the other in hunt of the verity, but neither megacity seems to offer answers or escape. Named one of 2016’s most influential people by TIME Magazine and constantly touted as an unborn Nobel Prize – winner, Elena Ferrante has come to one of the world’s most read and cherished pens. With this new novel about the transition from nonage to majority, Ferrante proves formerly again that she deserves her numerous accolades. In The Lying Life of Grown-ups, compendiums will discover another gripping, largely addicting, and completely indelible Neapolitan story. 

The Complexity of Adulthood

Elena Ferrante's The Lying Life of Adults explores the intricate and often confusing world of adulthood. The book encourages readers to look into the complexities of growing up and the inevitable lies and truths that come with it. It's a great read for anyone trying to navigate their own path to adulthood.

The Power of Self-Discovery

The Lying Life of Adults is a journey of self-discovery. The protagonist, Giovanna, finds herself through the lies and truths of the adults around her. This book encourages readers to explore their own identities and find their own truths.

The Influence of Family Dynamics

Family dynamics play a significant role in shaping who we become. In The Lying Life of Adults, Ferrante shows how family relationships and secrets can impact our perception of the world. It's a great book to check out if you're interested in understanding how family influences our lives.

The Impact of Lies

Lies can have a profound impact on our lives, as shown in The Lying Life of Adults. Ferrante explores how lies can distort our reality and affect our relationships. This book is a must-read for anyone who wants to dig deeper into the effects of dishonesty.

The Struggle of Transition

Transitioning from childhood to adulthood is never easy. The Lying Life of Adults beautifully captures this struggle. It's a book that encourages readers to see the beauty and pain in growing up. If you're going through a transition in your life, this book might just be what you need.


Natalie Portman

Natalie Portman
