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The Longevity Diet

320 pages, 2018


The Longevity Diet is an internationally renowned, clinically tested diet program to lose weight, fight disease, and live a longer, healthier life. Can what you eat determine how long, and how well, you live? The clinically proven answer is yes, and The Longevity Diet is easier to follow than you'd think. It's the culmination of 25 years of research on aging, nutrition, and disease across the globe. It lays out simple solutions to living to a healthy old age through nutrition. 

The key is combining the healthy everyday eating plan the book outlines, with the scientifically engineered fasting-mimicking diet (FMD); doing the FMD 3-4 times a year, do away with most of the misery and starvation most people experience while fasting.

The Importance of Prolonged Fasting

Valter Longo emphasizes the significance of prolonged fasting in his book, The Longevity Diet. He suggests that fasting for extended periods can trigger a process called autophagy, where your body cleans out damaged cells, potentially leading to increased lifespan and better health.

Plant-Based Foods are Key

The Longevity Diet encourages a plant-based diet. Longo's research shows that a diet rich in vegetables, legumes, and whole grains, with minimal animal products, can help you live longer and healthier. So, it's time to explore more plant-based recipes!

Protein Intake Should be Monitored

Longo advises that we should be mindful of our protein intake. He suggests that too much protein, especially animal protein, can accelerate aging and the onset of diseases. So, check your protein sources and try to balance them out.

The Five Pillars of Longevity

In The Longevity Diet, you'll find the five pillars of longevity that Longo has identified through his research. These include basic biology, genetics, epidemiology, clinical studies, and studies of centenarians. These pillars provide a comprehensive guide to understanding the science of longevity.

Periodic Fasting Mimicking Diets

One of the most intriguing concepts in the book is the Fasting Mimicking Diet (FMD). This is a diet that tricks your body into thinking it's fasting, even though you're eating. Longo's research suggests that periodic FMDs can promote longevity and reduce the risk of diseases. It's definitely worth looking into!

Quotes 5

The Longevity Diet is a game-changer. It's a powerful guide to live longer, healthier, and fulfilled lives.

Dr. Mehmet OzDr. Mehmet Oz - TV Personality, Surgeon

The Longevity Diet is a must-read. It's a scientifically proven method to live a long and healthy life.

Dr. David PerlmutterDr. David Perlmutter - Neurologist, Author

The Longevity Diet is a revolutionary book. It's a blueprint for a lifetime of good health.

Dr. Mark HymanDr. Mark Hyman - Physician, Author

The Longevity Diet is a breakthrough. It's a scientifically validated strategy for living a long and healthy life.

Dr. Dean OrnishDr. Dean Ornish - Physician, Researcher

The Longevity Diet is a masterpiece. It's a practical, comprehensive guide to staying healthy and living longer.

Dr. Michael GregerDr. Michael Greger - Physician, Author
Dr. Mehmet OzDr. David PerlmutterDr. Mark HymanDr. Dean OrnishDr. Michael Greger


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