Andrew Wilkinson, designer and entrepreneur and technology and venture capitalist, Recommending BestBooks

Top Book Recommendations by Andrew Wilkinson: Best Books for Success

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Andrew Wilkinson is an American entrepreneur and venture capitalist. He is the founder and CEO of Tiny, a venture capital fund that invests in technology startups, and MetaLab, one of the world’s top design agencies.

Born and raised in Vancouver, Canada, Andrew is a self-taught software developer and designer. He started his career at IBM, where he learned to develop software and design user interfaces. After a few years, he left IBM to pursue his own entrepreneurial endeavors and founded MetaLab in 2006.

At MetaLab, Andrew was able to turn his design and development expertise into a successful business. He grew the company into one of the world’s top design agencies, creating digital products and services for clients like Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Twitter.

In 2010, Andrew started Dribbble, a popular design community, and in 2013, he created Flow, an app development platform and design system. He is also a venture capitalist, having invested in over 25 tech startups, including Venmo, Instagram, and Uber.

Andrew is a firm believer in the power of design and technology, and he is passionate about creating meaningful user experiences. He is a frequent speaker at industry events, and he is committed to helping the next generation of entrepreneurs and designers reach their potential.