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The King in the Golden Mask

176 pages, 2017



1382 books

First published in French in 1892 and never translated fully into English, The King in the Golden Mask gathers 21 of Marcel Schwob’s cruelest and most erudite tales. Melding the fantastic with historical fiction, these stories describe moments of unexplained violence both historical and imaginary, often blending the two through Schwab’s collaging of primary source documents into fiction.

 Brimming with murder, suicide, royal leprosy, and medieval witchcraft, Schwob’s stories portray clergymen furtively attending medieval sabbaths, Protestant galley slaves laboring under the persecution of Louis XIV, and dice-tumbling sons of Florentine noblemen wandering Europe at the height of the 1374 plague. 

These writings are of such hallucinatory detail and linguistic specificity that the reader is left wondering whether they aren’t newly unearthed historical documents. To read Schwob is to encounter human history in its most scintillating form as it comes into contact with this unparalleled imagination. 

Exploring the Power of Identity

Marcel Schwob's The King in the Golden Mask is a deep exploration of identity. The book encourages readers to question who they truly are beneath the masks they wear. It's a great read if you're looking to dig deeper into understanding yourself.

Unveiling the Human Psyche

Schwob's book is a fascinating journey into the human psyche. He masterfully uses his characters to reveal the complexities of human emotions and motivations. If you're interested in psychology, you'll find this book intriguing.

The Art of Storytelling

The King in the Golden Mask showcases Marcel Schwob's exceptional storytelling skills. His ability to weave intricate narratives that captivate readers from start to finish is truly remarkable. If you're an aspiring writer, you can learn a lot from his narrative techniques.

Historical and Cultural Insights

Schwob's book offers a unique look into different historical periods and cultures. Through his vivid descriptions and well-researched details, you can travel back in time and experience different worlds. It's a must-read for history buffs and those who love to explore different cultures.

The Beauty of Language

One of the key takeaways from The King in the Golden Mask is the beauty of language. Schwob's poetic and evocative writing style is a treat for any literature lover. His use of language can inspire you to appreciate the power of words and their ability to convey deep emotions and complex ideas.


authorGuillermo Del Toro

Guillermo Del Toro


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