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The Kinfolk Table

368 pages, 2013

health & fitness

health & fitness

316 books

Kinfolk magazine—launched to great acclaim and instant buzz in 2011—is a quarterly journal about understated, unfussy entertainment. The journal has captured the imagination of readers nationwide, with content and an aesthetic that reflects a desire to go back to simpler times; take a break from our busy lives; build a community around a shared sensibility; and foster the endless and energizing magic that results from sharing a meal with good friends. 

Now there’s The Kinfolk Table, a cookbook from the creators of the magazine, with profiles of 45 tastemakers who are cooking and entertaining in a way that is beautiful, uncomplicated, and inexpensive. 

Each of these home cooks—artisans, bloggers, chefs, writers, bakers, craters—has provided one to three of the recipes they most love to share with others, whether they be simple breakfasts for two, one-pot dinners for six, or a perfectly composed sandwich for a solo picnic. 

Embrace Simplicity

Nathan Williams encourages us to embrace simplicity in our cooking and dining experiences. He believes that meals don't have to be complicated to be delicious and satisfying. So, take a look at your kitchen and see how you can simplify your cooking process.

Community and Connection

The Kinfolk Table is not just about food, it's about the people we share it with. Williams emphasizes the importance of community and connection in our dining experiences. So, next time you cook, invite some friends over and enjoy the meal together.

Global Inspiration

In this book, you'll find recipes from all over the world. Williams has done his research and brought together a collection of dishes that reflect different cultures and cuisines. So, get ready to explore the world from your kitchen.

Home Cooking

Williams is a big advocate for home cooking. He believes that preparing your own meals can be a rewarding and therapeutic experience. So, why not check out some of his recipes and try cooking at home more often?

Storytelling Through Food

The Kinfolk Table is not just a cookbook, it's a storybook. Each recipe comes with a story, giving you a glimpse into the lives of the people who created them. So, dig into these stories and see how food can bring us together.




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66 books

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