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The Jungle

204 pages, 2020



1382 books

For nearly a century, the original version of Upton Sinclair's classic novel has remained almost entirely unknown. When it was published in serial form in 1905, it was a full third longer than the censored, commercial edition published in book form the following year. 

That expurgated commercial edition edited out much of the ethnic flavor of the original, as well as some of the goriest descriptions of the meat-packing industry and much of Sinclair's most pointed social and political commentary. 

The text of this new edition is as it appeared in the original, uncensored edition of 1905. It contains the full 36 chapters as originally published, rather than the 31 of the expurgated edition. A new foreword describes the discovery in the 1980s of the original edition and its subsequent suppression, and a new introduction places the novel in a historical context by explaining the pattern of censorship in the shorter commercial edition. 

The Harsh Reality of Industrialization

In The Jungle, Upton Sinclair paints a vivid picture of the harsh realities faced by immigrants in the industrialized cities of America. He shows us the dark side of the American Dream, where workers are exploited and living conditions are deplorable. It's a wake-up call to see the human cost of rapid industrialization.

The Power of Socialism

Sinclair uses his book to advocate for socialism as a solution to the problems faced by the working class. He believes that socialism can provide a fairer distribution of wealth and better working conditions. If you're interested in political ideologies, you'll find his arguments thought-provoking.

The Struggle of Immigrants

The Jungle explores the struggles faced by immigrants in the early 20th century. The protagonist, Jurgis Rudkus, is a Lithuanian immigrant who faces numerous challenges in his quest for a better life. This book will give you a deeper understanding of the immigrant experience and the challenges they face.

The Impact of Corruption

Sinclair shows us how corruption can permeate every level of society, from the meatpacking industry to politics. He exposes the corruption and greed that exploit the working class. It's a great book to check out if you're interested in understanding the impact of corruption on society.

The Importance of Worker's Rights

The Jungle is a powerful reminder of the importance of worker's rights. Sinclair's depiction of the appalling working conditions faced by the meatpacking workers led to significant changes in food safety laws. It's a must-read if you're interested in labor rights and social justice.

Quotes 4

The Jungle is a book that has the power to change the nation's perspective on the meat industry.

President Theodore RooseveltPresident Theodore Roosevelt - 26th U.S. President

The Jungle is the Uncle Tom's Cabin of wage slavery.

Jack LondonJack London - American novelist

The Jungle is a book that has the power to stir the public's conscience.

Helen KellerHelen Keller - American author

The Jungle is a book that has the power to expose the harsh realities of the meatpacking industry.

Frank NorrisFrank Norris - American journalist
President Theodore RooseveltJack LondonHelen KellerFrank Norris


authorMichael Pollan

Michael Pollan
