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The Journeys of Socrates

336 pages, 2005



1382 books
spirituality & religion

spirituality & religion

408 books


909 books

The international bestselling author is bck with a page-turning tale of the origins of the peaceful warrior

In the heart of nineteenth century Tsarist Russia, an orphaned boy born of both Jewish and Cossack blood desperately seeks to find a place in a dangerous world. Sergei Ivanov’s (Socrates’) journey from a military academy to America is a spellbinding and tragic odyssey of courage and love.

This riveting novel reveals how a boy became a man, how a man became a warrior, and how a warrior discovered peace. From his birth, this boy―Sergei Ivanov―is destined to become the peaceful warrior and sage who changed the life of Dan Millman and millions of readers worldwide.

The Power of Perseverance

In The Journeys of Socrates, Dan Millman shows us the importance of never giving up. No matter how tough life gets, Socrates keeps pushing forward. This book encourages us to do the same, reminding us that perseverance is key to overcoming life's challenges.

The Importance of Self-Discovery

Millman invites us to explore the concept of self-discovery. Through Socrates' journey, we see the importance of understanding ourselves, our strengths, and our weaknesses. It's a call to take a look at our own lives and find our true selves.

The Value of Inner Peace

One of the key takeaways from The Journeys of Socrates is the value of inner peace. Despite the chaos and violence around him, Socrates finds tranquility within himself. This book encourages us to seek our own inner peace, regardless of external circumstances.

The Role of Forgiveness

Forgiveness is a recurring theme in this book. Socrates learns to forgive those who have wronged him, which leads to his personal growth. Millman suggests that we too can experience growth and freedom by learning to forgive.

The Significance of Life's Journey

The Journeys of Socrates is not just about the destination, but the journey itself. It's about the lessons learned, the people met, and the experiences that shape us. This book inspires us to appreciate our own journeys and the lessons they teach us.


Aubrey Marcus

Aubrey Marcus

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