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The Jewish Mystique
252 pages, 1977
The author is a psychoanalyst and sociologist at New York University, which provides some academic credentials for what seems like a supposition's inquiry into the Jewish character. Throughout a good deal of aye and naysaying, a few firm attributes are asserted: intellectual eminence for one; an affiliation which is chiefly a sense of identification rather than formal religion; the moral mission of being Jews and of preserving themselves as such, although by the final chapter Professor van Den Haag projects the race assimilating themselves out of existence. He ranges over a good many areas -- their humor; their susceptibility to radical ideas; their attraction to the professions and to finance: their habitats.
Flaccid attributions abound: It is the Jews who have given the essential meaning to the last 2000 years of Western history; confused by their guilt feeling, Jews cannot grasp that many Negro demands are irrational; regardless of the right and wrongs, Jews tend to be in favor of the arrested, not of the policeman who arrests him.
Ernest Van Den Haag explores the concept of Jewish identity in depth. He suggests that being Jewish is not just about religion, but also about culture, history, and shared experiences. This book will help you understand the complexities of Jewish identity and how it has evolved over time.
The Jewish Mystique digs into the history and impact of anti-Semitism. Van Den Haag discusses how this form of prejudice has shaped Jewish identity and culture. It's a great resource if you want to learn more about the historical context of anti-Semitism.
Van Den Haag highlights the significant contributions Jews have made to various fields, including science, arts, and philosophy. He makes it clear that despite facing adversity, Jews have made significant contributions to society. This book will inspire you to appreciate the diversity and richness of Jewish culture.
The Jewish Mystique takes a look at the Jewish diaspora and its impact on Jewish identity. Van Den Haag discusses how the dispersion of Jews around the world has influenced their culture and identity. This book will help you see the global influence of Jewish culture.
Ernest Van Den Haag's book explores the concept of the 'Jewish Mystique', a term he uses to describe the unique and complex nature of Jewish identity. He encourages readers to research and understand this mystique, which is deeply rooted in history, culture, and shared experiences.