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The Invisible Crowd

338 pages, 2017



1382 books

2nd March 1975In Asmara, Eritrea, Yonas Kelati is born into a world of turmoil. At the same time, on the same day, Jude Munroe takes her first breath in London, England. Thirty Years Later, Blacklisted in his war-ravaged country, Yonas has no option but to flee his home. After a terrible journey, he arrives at a bleak English coast. By a twist of fate, Yonas’ asylum case lands on Jude’s desk. Opening the file, she finds a patchwork of witness statements from those who met Yonas along his journey: a lifetime the same length as hers, reduced to a few scraps of paper. Soon, Jude will stand up in court and tell Yonas’ story. How she tells it will change his life forever. Fearless, uplifting and compelling, The Invisible Crowd is a powerful debut novel about loyalty, kindness – and the brief moments which define our lives. 

Understanding the Asylum Seeker's Journey

The Invisible Crowd by Ellen Wiles gives us a deep insight into the life of an asylum seeker. It's a chance to explore the struggles, fears, and hopes of someone seeking refuge in a foreign land. It's a powerful reminder of the human stories behind the headlines.

The Power of Friendship

In the book, we see the power of friendship and human connection. Despite cultural differences and language barriers, the bond between Yonas, the asylum seeker, and Jude, his lawyer, is a testament to the power of empathy and understanding. It's a beautiful reminder that friendship can bloom in the most unexpected places.

The Legal Challenges of Asylum Seekers

Ellen Wiles does a great job of highlighting the legal challenges faced by asylum seekers. The book gives us a glimpse into the complex and often frustrating process of seeking asylum. It's a great resource for anyone looking to understand more about immigration law and policy.

The Impact of Prejudice and Discrimination

The Invisible Crowd also tackles the issue of prejudice and discrimination. It shows how these harmful attitudes can affect the lives of asylum seekers and other marginalized groups. It's a call to action for us to challenge our own biases and work towards a more inclusive society.

The Role of Storytelling in Humanizing Issues

Finally, the book shows us the power of storytelling in humanizing complex issues. Through Yonas's story, we are able to see the human side of the asylum process, making it more relatable and understandable. It's a reminder of the importance of sharing and listening to diverse stories.
