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The Hundred Rules of War

204 pages, 2017



999 books

A book by a veteran Samurai to young warriors who had not tasted battle. The man is known as a sword saint, Tsukahara Bokuden 1489-1571, who composed this work seventy-five years before Miyamoto Musashi's Book of Five Rings. Bokuden studied Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto School and later founded the Kashima Shinto School of sword fighting. 

This book, which consists of a hundred songs, was transmitted to Samurai who had not yet fought in battle. In the early 1600s, a forward was written by the Zen Priest Takuan Soho. Later, the eighth Tokugawa Shogun Yoshimune added an introduction. This is the first English translation of this work, and it is presented beside the original Japanese brush script. The English will be on the facing page. According to the afterward, for several generations, this document was only transmitted to only one other person. 

The Importance of Strategy

In The Hundred Rules of War, Tsukahara Bokuden emphasizes the importance of strategy in any conflict. He suggests that a well-thought-out plan can often be the difference between victory and defeat. So, if you're facing a challenge, take a moment to strategize before jumping in.

The Power of Patience

Bokuden teaches us that patience is a powerful tool in war and in life. He believes that rushing into action can lead to mistakes, while waiting for the right moment can bring success. So, next time you're in a hurry, remember to take a breath and be patient.

The Value of Discipline

Discipline is a key theme in The Hundred Rules of War. Bokuden argues that discipline, both in training and in action, is crucial for success. This book encourages us to incorporate discipline into our daily lives, whether it's sticking to a workout routine or completing a work project.

The Role of Perception

According to Bokuden, perception plays a significant role in warfare. He suggests that understanding how others perceive you can give you an advantage in conflict. This concept can also be applied in our personal and professional lives. So, take some time to consider how others see you and how you can use this to your advantage.

The Art of Peace

Despite its title, The Hundred Rules of War isn't just about conflict. Bokuden also explores the concept of peace, arguing that the ultimate goal of any war should be to achieve peace. This book encourages us to strive for peace in our own lives, reminding us that conflict is just a means to an end.


authorJocko Willink

Jocko Willink

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