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The History of Money

304 pages, 1998



999 books
economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books
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1082 books
money & investing

money & investing

165 books

In his most widely appealing book yet, one of today's leading authors of popular anthropology looks at the intriguing history and peculiar nature of money, tracing our relationship with it from the time when primitive men exchanged cowrie shells to the imminent arrival of the all-purpose electronic cash card. 

The Evolution of Money

In 'The History of Money', Jack Weatherford takes us on a journey through time, exploring how money has evolved from simple barter systems to the complex digital currencies we use today. It's fascinating to see how money has changed and adapted to fit societal needs over the centuries.

Impact of Money on Society

Weatherford digs into the profound impact money has had on society. He shows us how the invention of money has shaped civilizations, influenced politics, and even sparked wars. It's a powerful reminder of how something as simple as a medium of exchange can have far-reaching effects.

The Role of Gold

Ever wondered why gold is so valuable? Weatherford explains it all in his book. He explores the history of gold as a form of money, and why it has remained a stable and trusted form of currency for thousands of years. It's a must-read for anyone interested in the economic history.

The Rise of Paper Money

The book also takes a look at the rise of paper money. Weatherford explains how paper money was initially met with skepticism but eventually became the norm. He also discusses the problems and benefits that came with this shift. It's a great way to understand the complexities of our modern financial system.

The Future of Money

What does the future hold for money? Weatherford doesn't shy away from this question. He researches into the rise of digital currencies like Bitcoin and discusses their potential impact on our financial systems. It's a thought-provoking look into what money might look like in the future.


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