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The Heart

256 pages, 2016



1382 books

Just before dawn on a Sunday morning, three teenage boys go surfing. Returning home, exhausted, the driver lets the car drift off the road into a tree. Two of the boys are wearing seat belts; one is sent through the windshield. He is declared brain-dead shortly after arriving at the hospital. His heart is still beating. 

The Heart takes place over the twenty-four hours surrounding a fatal accident and a resulting heart transplant, as life is taken from a young man and given to a woman close to death. In gorgeous, ruminative prose, it examines the deepest feelings of everyone involved--grieving parents, hardworking doctors, and nurses--as they navigate decisions of life and death. 

As stylistically audacious as it is emotionally explosive, Maylis de Kerangals The Heart has mesmerized readers in France, where it has been hailed as the breakthrough work of a new literary star. 

Exploring the Complexity of Human Emotions

In The Heart, Maylis de Kerangal takes us on a journey through the intricate world of human emotions. She beautifully illustrates how our feelings are not just black and white, but a spectrum of colors. This book encourages us to explore our own emotional depths and understand others better.

The Intricacies of Medical Science

The Heart is not just a story about emotions, but also a deep dive into the world of medical science. The author's detailed research into the human heart and organ transplantation is fascinating. It's a great read for anyone interested in medicine or biology.

The Power of Empathy

One of the key takeaways from The Heart is the importance of empathy. Maylis de Kerangal shows us how empathy can bridge the gap between life and death, between hope and despair. This book will inspire you to be more empathetic in your daily life.

The Beauty of Language

The Heart is a testament to the power and beauty of language. The author's poetic and lyrical writing style will captivate you from the first page. If you're a lover of words, this book is a must-read.

Life, Death, and Everything in Between

The Heart is a profound exploration of life, death, and the thin line that separates them. It's a reminder that every moment is precious and that even in the face of tragedy, there is always hope. This book will make you see life from a new perspective.


Bill Gates

Bill Gates

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