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The Happiness Hypothesis

320 pages, 2006


In The Happiness Hypothesis, Jonathan Haidt, the author of The Righteous Mind and The Coddling of the American Mind draws on his experience as a psychologist to show how we can live happier lives. 

 Each chapter is an attempt to savor one idea that has been discovered by several of the world’s civilizations—to question it in light of what we now know from scientific research and to extract from it the lessons that still apply to our modern lives and illuminate the causes of human flourishing.

The Elephant and the Rider

Jonathan Haidt uses the metaphor of an elephant and its rider to explain the relationship between our emotional and rational sides. The elephant represents our emotional side, which is powerful and often drives our actions. The rider, on the other hand, represents our rational side, which tries to control and guide the elephant. Haidt suggests that to achieve happiness, we need to train the elephant and the rider to work together.

Happiness is about More than Feeling Good

Haidt argues that happiness isn't just about feeling good all the time. It's about personal growth and connection to others. He suggests that we can find happiness by pursuing meaningful relationships, challenging work, and connections to something larger than ourselves.

The Importance of Adversity

In The Happiness Hypothesis, Haidt explores the idea that adversity can lead to personal growth and happiness. He suggests that facing challenges and overcoming them can make us stronger and more resilient. So, don't shy away from difficulties, they might be the key to your happiness.

The Role of Virtue

Haidt digs into the concept of virtue and its role in happiness. He finds that virtues like kindness, generosity, and fairness not only benefit others, but they also make us feel good about ourselves and contribute to our own happiness. So, being good to others can also be good for you.

The Power of Perspective

Haidt emphasizes the power of perspective in shaping our happiness. He suggests that by changing how we see the world, we can change how we feel about it. So, if you're feeling unhappy, try looking at things from a different angle. You might find that things aren't as bad as they seem.

Quotes 5

The Happiness Hypothesis is a thought-provoking exploration of the purpose of life. It's a book that really enlightened me.

Bill GatesBill Gates - Microsoft Co-founder

Jonathan Haidt's book is a riveting journey into the science of happiness. It's a must-read for anyone interested in the human condition.

Daniel GilbertDaniel Gilbert - Harvard Psychology Professor

The Happiness Hypothesis is a superb synthesis of ancient wisdom and modern science. It's a book that will change your perspective on happiness.

Martin SeligmanMartin Seligman - Positive Psychology Pioneer

Jonathan Haidt's book is a tour de force, integrating insights from a wide range of disciplines to provide a deep understanding of human happiness.

David M. BussDavid M. Buss - Evolutionary Psychology Expert

The Happiness Hypothesis is a brilliant synthesis of psychological research and timeless wisdom. It's a book that challenges and enlightens.

Steven PinkerSteven Pinker - Cognitive Scientist
Bill GatesDaniel GilbertMartin SeligmanDavid M. BussSteven Pinker


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