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The Hair of the Dog

292 pages, 2010

science & nature

science & nature

1064 books

From the dinosaurs that caused sonic booms to the irrational nature of the number pi, essays on scientific strangeness. Science is full of surprises, such as the peculiar peepshow beginnings of baby incubators, the unexpected positive fallout from the H-bomb, or the fifth taste sensation lurking in everyone’s taste buds that nobody knew about—except for the Japanese. 

While shedding light on these conundrums, Karl Sabbagh shows that seemingly trivial queries or assumptions lead to a more profound understanding of how science works. Who would have thought that scientists would turn to the hypothesis All swans are white to determine the stability of the entire universe? Or that if we choose to spend our hard-earned money on other people, it might make us happier than if we spend it on ourselves? 

Understanding the Science of Alcohol

In The Hair of the Dog, Karl Sabbagh takes us on a journey to explore the science behind alcohol. He digs into the chemistry of alcohol, how it affects our bodies, and why it causes hangovers. It's a fascinating look into a substance so common in our lives.

The History of Alcohol

Sabbagh doesn't just stick to the science, he also delves into the history of alcohol. From its earliest uses in ancient civilizations to its role in modern society, he provides a comprehensive look at how alcohol has shaped our world.

The Myth of the Hair of the Dog

Ever heard of the saying 'hair of the dog'? It's the idea that drinking more alcohol can cure a hangover. But is it true? Sabbagh takes a look at this myth and reveals the truth behind it. You might be surprised by what he finds.

The Social Impact of Alcohol

Beyond the science and history, Sabbagh also explores the social impact of alcohol. He examines how it influences our behavior, relationships, and society as a whole. It's a thought-provoking look at the power of this ubiquitous substance.

Practical Tips for Responsible Drinking

The Hair of the Dog isn't just about understanding alcohol, it's also about using that knowledge to drink responsibly. Sabbagh provides practical tips and advice on how to enjoy alcohol without letting it take control of your life. It's a must-read for anyone who wants to have a healthier relationship with alcohol.


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