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The Great Illusion

224 pages, 2017

economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books

American interest in the problems discussed here is hardly less vital than that of Europe. Being more persuaded than when the first American edition of this book was issued in 1910, it is certain that opinion in America will not be equipped for dealing with the issues arising out of the relations with the Spanish American states; with Japan; and with the Philippians; unless it has some fair understanding of the principles with which this book deals.

 Its general interest even goes farther than this; no great community like that of modern America can remain indifferent to the drift of general opinion throughout the world on matters wrapped up with issues so important as those of war and peace.

 That the tangible commercial and business interest of America is involved in these European events is obvious from the very factors of financial and commercial interdependence which form the basis of the argument. 

That the interest of Americans is inextricable if indirectly, bound up with those of Europe has become increasingly clear, as can be proven by the barest investigation of the trend of political thought in this country. 

The Futility of War

In 'The Great Illusion', Norman Angell explores the idea that war is not only destructive, but also economically unprofitable. He argues that in the modern world, nations are so interconnected that war brings no real benefit. This is a thought-provoking perspective that challenges traditional views on conflict and power.

Interconnected Economies

Angell digs into the concept of global economic interdependence. He suggests that the prosperity of a nation is not solely dependent on its own resources, but also on its relationships with other countries. This is a key takeaway for anyone interested in understanding the complexities of global economics.

The Illusion of National Superiority

The book also explores the idea of national superiority as an illusion. Angell argues that no nation can truly dominate others due to the interconnected nature of the world. This perspective can help us see beyond the rhetoric of nationalism and understand the importance of international cooperation.

The Role of International Law

Angell emphasizes the importance of international law in maintaining peace. He suggests that respect for international law is more beneficial for nations than resorting to war. This is a key insight for those interested in international relations and peace studies.

The Power of Peaceful Progress

In 'The Great Illusion', Angell makes a compelling case for peaceful progress over military conquest. He argues that nations can achieve more by cooperating and trading with each other than by trying to conquer each other. This is a powerful message for anyone looking to understand the potential of peaceful coexistence.


authorPeter Thiel

Peter Thiel

entrepreneurtechnologyventure capitalistauthor

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