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The Giver

256 pages, 2014



1382 books

In Lois Lowry’s Newbery Medal–winning classic, twelve-year-old Jonas lives in a seemingly ideal world. Not until he is given his life assignment as the Receiver does he begin to understand the dark secrets behind his fragile community.

This movie tie-in edition features cover art from the movie and an exclusive Q&A with cast members, including Taylor Swift, Brenton Thwaites, and Cameron Monaghan.

Life in the community where Jonas lives is idyllic. Designated birthmothers produce new children, who are assigned to appropriate family units. Citizens are assigned their partners and their jobs. No one thinks to ask questions. Everyone obeys. Everyone is the same. Except for Jonas.

Not until he is given his life assignment as the Receiver of Memory does he begin to understand the dark, complex secrets behind his fragile community. Gradually Jonas learns that power lies in feelings. But when his own power is put to the test—when he must try to save someone he loves—he may not be ready. Is it too soon? Or too late?

The Giver has become one of the most influential novels of our time. Don't miss the powerful companion novels in Lois Lowry's Giver Quartet: Gathering Blue, Messenger, and Son.

The Importance of Individuality

Lois Lowry's The Giver shows us the value of individuality. In the book, everyone in the community is the same, but Jonas, the main character, starts to see color and feel emotions. This shows us that being different isn't bad, it's what makes us unique and human.

The Power of Memory

In The Giver, memories are seen as powerful tools. They can bring pain, but they also bring joy, wisdom, and understanding. The book encourages us to embrace our memories, even the painful ones, because they shape who we are.

The Role of Pain in Life

Pain is a part of life, and The Giver doesn't shy away from this fact. Lowry shows us that without pain, we can't fully appreciate joy. So, instead of running from pain, we should learn from it and let it help us grow.

The Value of Freedom

The Giver presents a world where people have no freedom of choice, everything is decided for them. This makes us realize how important freedom is in our lives. It's a reminder to appreciate our ability to make choices and to respect the choices of others.

The Importance of Emotions

In the book, people take pills to suppress their emotions, but Jonas stops taking them and starts to feel. This shows us that emotions are a vital part of being human. They allow us to connect with others and experience life fully. So, let's not hide our feelings, let's embrace them.

Quotes 5

The Giver is a book that has left a deep impact on me. It's a thought-provoking exploration of a society devoid of emotional depth; a must-read.

John BoyneJohn Boyne - Irish Novelist

The Giver is a profound and deeply moving book. It's a haunting tale that stays with you long after you've turned the last page.

Margaret Peterson HaddixMargaret Peterson Haddix - Children's Author

The Giver is a powerful and compelling book. It's a story that challenges us to question the nature of our society and our place within it.

Jeff BridgesJeff Bridges - American Actor

The Giver is a book that forces us to confront the uncomfortable truths about our society. It's a book that stays with you, haunts you, and makes you think.

Neil GaimanNeil Gaiman - Fantasy Writer

The Giver is a book that challenges us to question the status quo and to imagine a different kind of future. It's a book that has had a profound influence on my own writing.

Suzanne CollinsSuzanne Collins - Hunger Games Author
John BoyneMargaret Peterson HaddixJeff BridgesNeil GaimanSuzanne Collins


Sophie Bakalar

Sophie Bakalar

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