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The Gilded Rage

144 pages, 2016

economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books


999 books

A grippingly intimate and heart-breaking portrait of the walking wounded who make up the base of the Trump movement. Desperate and angry, these are the men and women of the vanishing industrial heartland and the depressed Appalachian coal country, and the drug-running, no-mans land along the Southwestern borderlands. 

They have no illusions about the grandstanding billionaire and his glaring flaws. But they feel forgotten and screwed over by political, corporate, and media elites… and they feel that Donald Trump, despite his flamboyant demagoguery, might well be their last chance for salvation. Part Studs Terkel, part Hunter S. Thompson, Alexander Zaitchik takes us deeper into the ravaged soul of America than any other chronicler of our times.

Understanding the Trump Phenomenon

In The Gilded Rage, Alexander Zaitchik takes us on a journey to understand the rise of Donald Trump. He explores the deep-seated anger and frustration of the American working class that led to Trump's unexpected victory. It's a fascinating look into the political climate of the time.

Insight into American Society

Zaitchik provides a raw and unfiltered look into the lives of everyday Americans. He digs into their struggles, fears, and hopes, painting a vivid picture of a society grappling with economic and social change. It's a must-read for anyone wanting to understand the complexities of modern American society.

The Power of Populism

The Gilded Rage shows how Trump tapped into a powerful wave of populism. Zaitchik explores how Trump's simple, direct language and promise to 'make America great again' resonated with many Americans feeling left behind by globalization and economic inequality.

The Role of Media

Zaitchik also examines the role of media in shaping public opinion and fueling the Trump phenomenon. He shows how Trump's savvy use of social media and his ability to dominate news cycles helped him connect with voters and build a powerful political brand.

A Call for Empathy

Above all, The Gilded Rage is a call for empathy. Zaitchik encourages us to look beyond political divisions and see the shared struggles and dreams of our fellow citizens. It's a powerful reminder of the importance of understanding and compassion in our increasingly polarized world.


Sarah Jessica Parker

Sarah Jessica Parker
