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The Front Nine

68 pages, 2013

business & management

business & management

1082 books

The Front Nine is a nine-step process to help you set and achieve goals by one of the leading productivity experts, Mike Vardy. It utilizes golf terms to help you get ready, get set, and go forward with your new year or time period of choice.

The Front Nine is a resource that is specific in structure and yet fluid in content in that it is accessible to anyone who has an open mind.

To wrap your head around it, you don't need to be a "productivity" expert–or even interested in golf. All you need is a willingness to want to change and see things through until completion.

The Power of Planning

In The Front Nine, Mike Vardy emphasizes the importance of planning. He suggests that just like in golf, life requires a strategic approach. You need to look at the big picture, set your goals, and then break them down into manageable tasks. So, take a moment to explore your life's goals and start planning!

Importance of Practice

Vardy highlights the significance of practice in achieving success. He believes that consistent effort and repetition are the keys to mastering any skill. So, don't be afraid to make mistakes, learn from them, and keep practicing until you get it right.

Focus on the Present

The Front Nine encourages readers to focus on the present moment. Vardy argues that while it's important to have long-term goals, it's equally crucial to concentrate on the task at hand. So, take a look at your current tasks and give them your full attention.

The Value of Patience

In his book, Vardy teaches us the value of patience. He reminds us that success doesn't happen overnight and that it's important to stay patient and persistent. So, next time you feel like giving up, remember to stay patient and keep going.

Embrace Change

Lastly, The Front Nine encourages readers to embrace change. Vardy believes that change is inevitable and that it's important to adapt and grow with it. So, don't be afraid of change, instead, see it as an opportunity for growth and improvement.


authorCal Newport

Cal Newport


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