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The Frisco Kid

261 pages, 1987



1382 books
A novel about the Beat Generation in San Francisco. Published by Harper & Row, 1975.
Exploring the Underbelly of San Francisco

Jerry Kamstra takes us on a journey through the gritty streets of San Francisco, exposing the raw and often unseen side of the city. This book will make you see San Francisco in a whole new light.

The Power of Authentic Storytelling

The Frisco Kid is a testament to the power of authentic storytelling. Kamstra's vivid descriptions and raw narratives pull you into the story, making you feel as if you're living it yourself.

Understanding the Human Condition

Through the eyes of the protagonist, we get a deep look into the human condition. The book explores themes of survival, resilience, and the struggle to find meaning in chaos.

The Reality of Drug Culture

The book doesn't shy away from the harsh realities of drug culture. It's a stark reminder of the devastating effects drugs can have on individuals and communities.

A Lesson in Empathy

The Frisco Kid teaches us to empathize with those who live on the fringes of society. It's a reminder that everyone has a story, and that these stories are often more complex than we might think.


Balaji S. Srinivasan

Balaji S. Srinivasan

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