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The Four-Dimensional Human

272 pages, 2015



711 books


392 books
science & nature

science & nature

1064 books

Laurence Scott argues that a constellation of everyday digital phenomena is rewiring our inner lives. We are increasingly coaxed from the third-dimensional containment of our pre-digital selves into a wonderful and eerie fourth dimension, a world of ceaseless communication, instant information and global connection. Our portals to this new world have been wedged open, and the silhouette of a figure is taking shape. This new world has given us many new sensitivities and sensibilities; for example, we are more aware of the sorrows and anxieties of people around us than ever before. However, it is also true that there are some things we cannot do in public anymore because they are recorded on social media—and thus preserved forever—for everyone to see.

Understanding the Digital Age

In The Four-Dimensional Human, Laurence Scott explores the impact of the digital age on our lives. He suggests that we are now living in a four-dimensional world, where the digital and physical realms intersect. This new dimension has drastically changed how we interact, communicate, and perceive ourselves and others.

The Impact of Social Media

Scott takes a deep look into the role of social media in our lives. He points out that while it has made communication easier, it has also led to a sense of constant surveillance and a loss of privacy. This has resulted in a shift in our behavior, as we are always aware of the potential audience watching us.

The Concept of 'Being Present'

The book also explores the concept of 'being present'. In the digital age, we are often physically present in one place, but mentally in another, thanks to our devices. This has led to a new form of loneliness, where we are surrounded by people, yet feel isolated.

The Changing Perception of Time

Laurence Scott also digs into how the digital age has changed our perception of time. With the internet, we have access to a constant stream of information and updates, making time seem to move faster. This has led to a sense of urgency and impatience in our lives.

The Importance of Digital Detox

Finally, The Four-Dimensional Human encourages readers to take a step back from their digital lives. Scott suggests that a digital detox can help us regain control over our time, improve our mental health, and allow us to truly connect with the people around us.


authorCal Newport

Cal Newport
