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The Foundation
464 pages, 2009
Foundations have been instrumental in the social transformation of the United States since their inception in the early 20th century. Yet, despite their impact on society, only around 10% of Americans are aware of foundations, and even those who are aware of them, as well as those who seek funds from them, are completely unaware of their inner workings. Joel Fleishman understands the foundation world like few others, and in this ground-breaking book, he recounts the history of foundations from their first days as robber barons seeking social respectability to the present day. This book explains how and why foundations are important, as well as how their future may offer a significant boost to our economy—if they are properly formed and run.
In 'The Foundation', Joel L. Fleishman explores the world of philanthropy and its impact on society. He shows us how foundations have the power to bring about significant change and improve lives. It's a great read if you're interested in how you can make a difference.
Fleishman takes a deep look into the role foundations play in our society. He shows us that they're not just about giving money away, but also about shaping public policy, supporting innovation, and addressing social issues. This book will make you see foundations in a new light.
The Foundation doesn't shy away from discussing the challenges foundations face. Fleishman digs into issues like accountability, transparency, and effectiveness. He offers insights into how foundations can overcome these challenges and become more impactful.
Fleishman takes us on a journey through the history and evolution of foundations. He explores how they've changed over time and what factors have influenced their development. It's a fascinating look into the past that helps us understand the present.
In 'The Foundation', Fleishman doesn't just look at the past and present of foundations, he also looks into the future. He discusses what foundations need to do to stay relevant and effective in a rapidly changing world. It's a must-read for anyone interested in the future of philanthropy.
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