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The Forgotten Man

512 pages, 2008



999 books

In The Forgotten Man, Amity Shlaes, one of the nation's most-respected economic commentators, offers a striking reinterpretation of the Great Depression.

She traces the mounting agony of the New Dealers and the moving stories of individual citizens who, through their brave perseverance, helped establish the steadfast character we recognize as American today.

Understanding the Great Depression

In The Forgotten Man, Amity Shlaes provides a fresh perspective on the Great Depression. She explores the economic policies and political decisions that led to this devastating period in American history. You'll get a new understanding of the events that shaped the 20th century.

The Role of Government

Shlaes digs into the role of government during the Great Depression. She argues that the government's intervention in the economy, rather than helping, actually prolonged the depression. This book will make you rethink the role of government in economic crises.

The Forgotten Man

The title of the book refers to the ordinary citizens who were overlooked and burdened by the government's policies during the Great Depression. Shlaes reminds us of the importance of considering the impact of policies on everyday people.

Lessons from History

The Forgotten Man is not just a history book. It's a book that teaches us lessons about economic policy, government intervention, and the resilience of the human spirit. By looking into the past, we can learn how to navigate the future.

A Different Perspective

Amity Shlaes offers a different perspective on the Great Depression, challenging the conventional wisdom. If you're interested in history, economics, or politics, you'll find The Forgotten Man a fascinating read. It's a chance to see a well-known period in history through a new lens.

Quotes 3

The Forgotten Man is a brilliant account of the Great Depression. It is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand the roots of our current economic crisis.

George F. WillGeorge F. Will - Political commentator

Amity Shlaes' The Forgotten Man is a powerful exploration of the Great Depression, a period of time that has been largely misunderstood. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in American history.

Paul JohnsonPaul Johnson - Historian, journalist

The Forgotten Man is a thought-provoking and insightful look into the Great Depression. It is a book that challenges conventional wisdom and offers a fresh perspective.

David BrooksDavid Brooks - Political commentator
George F. WillPaul JohnsonDavid Brooks


Balaji S. Srinivasan

Balaji S. Srinivasan

entrepreneurtechnologyventure capitalist