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The Flinch

192 pages, 2015



909 books


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business & management

1082 books

If you’re looking for a good read that challenges the status quo, Hold On To Your Kids it is. Julien Smith has delivered a surprise, a confrontation, a book that will push you, scare you and possibly stick with you for years to come. Complete with stories and actions readers can immediately apply to their lives, this is an essential read that pushes the limits of what we think we know about our brains and ourselves.

Understanding the Flinch

In his book, The Flinch, Julien Smith explores the concept of the 'flinch', a natural reaction to fear or discomfort. He suggests that this instinctive response often holds us back from achieving our full potential.

Overcoming the Flinch

Smith encourages readers to face their fears head-on. He believes that by consciously choosing to 'flinch forward' into discomfort, we can break free from our limitations and grow both personally and professionally.

The Power of Discomfort

The Flinch teaches us that discomfort isn't always a bad thing. In fact, it can be a powerful catalyst for change. By embracing discomfort, we can push ourselves to take risks and make bold decisions.

The Importance of Action

Smith emphasizes the importance of taking action. He argues that it's better to act and make mistakes than to remain stagnant due to fear. By taking action, we can learn, adapt, and ultimately, succeed.

The Role of Habit

In The Flinch, you'll find that habits play a crucial role in overcoming the flinch. Smith suggests that by developing positive habits, we can train ourselves to react differently to fear and discomfort, leading to personal growth and success.

Quotes 3

The Flinch is a book that pushes you beyond your comfort zone, forcing you to confront your fears and take action.

Seth GodinSeth Godin - Marketing Guru

The Flinch is a book that challenges you to face your fears and overcome them. It's a must-read for anyone seeking personal growth.

Chris BroganChris Brogan - Business Advisor

The Flinch is a powerful book that forces you to confront your fears and take action. It's a game-changer.

Leo BabautaLeo Babauta - Minimalist Blogger
Seth GodinChris BroganLeo Babauta


Matt D’Avella

Matt D’Avella

filmmakermedia personalityphotographer

The Flinch found in libraries

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